Nocturnal enuresis or bedwetting affects many children (over age 5) who have achieved daytime dryness with potty-training. Night time bladder control is considered the last stage of potty-training and can take some children a little more time to master.
In an effort to help children embarrassed by extended bedwetting and assist families through a successful potty-training period, Seipel Group formulated Urox ® in a dosage ideal for children named Urox Junior. Bladder strengthening results are typically seen within one month of use and once benefits achieved, long term use is generally not required.
The National Sleep Foundation estimates:- 10% of children wet the bed
- 13 – 20% of 5-year-old children
- 10% of 7-year-olds
- 5% of 10-year-old children still wet the bed (who are more likely to have emotional problems)
Urox Junior helps:
- Strengthen bladder control
- Reduce urinary frequency and bladder accidents
- Promote a dry night’s sleep
- Control bedwetting
Bladder Control Poor bladder control affects men, women and children of all ages. Bedtime Buddy has been specifically formulated for children over the age of 5.
A child’s bladder
Many children over age 5 who have achieved daytime dryness with potty training continue to struggle with bed wetting for years. Night-time bladder control is considered the last stage of potty training and can take some children a little more time to master. It takes time for the bladder and nervous system to co-ordinate and for the child to gain healthy bladder control. For children six years and older bedwetting and poor bladder control can be upsetting and embarrassing.
There are two types of bedwetting:
- Primary bedwetting (75% cases) When the child has never had night-time control This is a normal part of the developmental process. Most children will be able to achieve night-time continence with a little bit of time.
- Secondary bedwetting (25% cases) Child has achieved night-time continence, but bedwetting reoccurs due to psychological stress or some underlying medical cause. The US National Sleep Foundation* estimates 1 in 10 children will wet the bed tonight.
Continence Foundation of Australia figures show:
- Day wetting is more common in girls
- Bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is more common in boys
- 3 to 5 per cent of children aged between 5 and 17 have a daytime wetting problem
- 1/3 of these children will also experience bedwetting
Tips to improve bladder control:
- Make sure your child has regular bowel habits as constipation can place extra pressure on the pelvic floor and bladder.
- Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluid in the day so they don’t want to drink just before bedtime.
- Bladder training exercises that teach the bladder to effectively fill and empty (rather than going before the bladder is full enough) can be useful.
- Some foods such as citrus, spices, watermelon and caffeinated drinks (colas and chocolate) can act as bladder stimulants so may be best avoided.
How Bedtime Buddy works:
Bedtime Buddy contains Urox , a patented, clinically researched herbal formula that improves bladder muscle tone and control. Equisteum arvense and Lindera aggregata are herbs traditionally recommended for bedwetting and to improve bladder control. With the addition of Crateva bark, Urox effectively supports healthy bladder function in both the Day Night.
Bedtime Buddy helps to:
- Strengthen bladder control
- Reduce daytime urinary frequency
- Promote a dry night’s sleep
- Control bedwetting
For best result, use for at least one month.
If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare professional.
Recommended Child Dosage (6 Years & Over): 20-40kg: Take one capsule daily with meals
Over 40kg: Take two capsule daily with meals
Capsules can be swallowed whole, or twisted and pulled apart and the powdered contents added to cold or room-temperature beverages, cereal or foods.
Does Not Contain: Gluten, dairy, artificial colouring, flavouring, sweeteners or preservatives.
Each Vegetarian Capsule Contains Urox: ® Herbal extracts equivalent to dry: Cratevox stem bark 3g TM Horsetail herb 1.5g Lindera root 1.5g