Addresses the major issues teenagers commonly experience. It enhances acceptance of self, communication, social skills, harmony in relationships, maturity, emotional stability and optimism.
Easy to Use: Just 7 drops under the tongue.
Negative Condition:
- Feeling of hopelessness
- Insensitive
- Sense of not belonging
- An ‘It's not fair’ attitude
- Embarrassment
- Rebellious
- Anger
Positive Outcome:
- Coping with change
- Consideration of others
- Enhances communication
- Self Esteem
Bush Flower Essences: Billy Goat Plum, Boab, Bottlebrush, Dagger Hakea, Five Corners, Flannel Flower, Kangaroo Paw, Red Helmet Orchid, Southern Cross, Sunshine Wattle and Tall Yellow Top.
Formulation: Biogenic essences of the below flowers, purified water and brandy as a natural preservative system.